With DME probably being years out, we need to agree on how we use information categories in Business NXT as a community. We have to be able to use the free information tables without running into collisions with other integrations, and today we have no way of knowing what other information category numbers are in use by other integrations or consultants.
The freeInformationCategory field is a 32 bit integer with a max value of 2147483647. The propsal is that we take the first five digits and call that a prefix. Then we skip the first 350, just to get the numbers going in the hopes of avoiding initial collisions, and thus leaving all numbers below 35000000 in a state of anarchy. This gives us 21124 available prefixes with 100000 available information categories in each. This should be enough for anybody (just like 640K of memory!), but if someone runs out of numbers we can just assign them a new prefix.
So let's say ISV 1 is assigned the first prefix, 350. Then they can use the information categories 35000000 to 35099999. Then ISV 2 can be assigned the prefix 351 and use the information categories 35100000 to 35199999.
Claiming your prefix here and managing your information categories is completely free, and I promise to keep this that way. If you already have a list of known information categories, send me them by email and I'll help you get them into the system, even if they don't fit the prefix scheme.
These domains have already claimed their prefix:
You need to be logged in to claim a prefix and create information categories.
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